Greetings from Vilmos Lázár, President of the Hungarian Equestrian Federation

“If there is a day of feasting, feast with your entire being.
Forget all the rituals and exercises of ordinary days.”
Sándor Márai
Dear Guests, dear Equestrian Friends,
We have invited you for a double celebration. It is a great pleasure for us that the best equestrian athletes of the world participate in the CSIO5*-W. And it is a great pleasure for us that the renewed National Riding Hall is home to such a prestigious international event.
Holidays are not made only by special indications in our calendars. These and similar events, joyful encounters of friends make them unique and memorable.
CSIO competitions in Hungary became already a tradition – attracting the attention of the equestrian professionals and wider public alike. The outstanding number of competitors and the huge interest generated by the event suggests that riding at CSIO Budapest is a prestige. This prestigious event strengthens the social recognition of equestrian sports.
I would like to hope that this prominent competition of our geographic region and the hard challenge brings Hungarian show jumping closer to the European lead.
The National Riding Hall went under the property management of the Hungarian Equestrian Federation in 2010. After having renewed this site with ample of state support we had a really exquisite celebration over here this year. On the 24th February this internationally competitive National Riding Hall was reopened by Viktor Orban, prime minister of Hungary.
Dear Guests, thank you for accepting our invitation. Have a great time.
I wish good luck to the competitors, good work to the judges and an enjoyable time to the spectators.
Budapest, August 2018
Vilmos LÁZÁR
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