Herendi and the sport

Herendi and the sport

Herend porcelain: symbol of excellent quality, value, luxury and elegance

Herend Porcelain Manufactory plays an increasingly significant role in sport, culture and art life. Herend porcelain cultural exhibitions and art receptions open one after the other both in Hungary and in abroad. Formula-1, dance contest, golf, polo, showjumping: Herend Porcelain Manufactory is regularly present at noted sport events. Dr. Attila Simon, chief executive officer of the Manufactory was talking about the role the brand undertakes in public life.

In terms of our cultural mission we represent our national values carried by Herend Porcelain both in Hungary and in abroad with a pleasure either in a multi-million metropolis or in small towns. This mission derives from the definition of Herend Porcelain:

Herend Porcelain Manufactory is a culture and value creating community with the objective of preserving and conveying its values of centuries, where beauty, uniqueness, high quality are part of everyday life, where the community’s goal is clearly set: preserving values and fairness of the manufactory, paying attention to traditions, always choosing handcrafted porcelain manufacturing, constant innovation, surprising the world by leading style creation, assuring living standards and development of the Company, of its creative community and of its employees.

Our goal is to cherish, preserve and convey our national and European – especially artistic – values to the next generations. Day after day, the goal of the community of the Manufacture is to show an alternative to the papertray-based world of fast-food restaurants, our operational activity promotes the eternal existence of porcelain as material, the natural part of physical environment of cultivated human beings and we defy poor objects of our days’ cultural changes.

For thousand years sport activities have connected people, cities and geographical regions and represented values to future generations. We willingly join any sport event which conveys values.

The beauty of horses affected several of our artists during our two centuries’ long history; we have many gorgeous horse figures. We convey the beauty, elegance and pampering charms of Herend brand through equestrian sports. We are proud that at the end of the competition, at the prize giving ceremony, victorious riders will be awarded Herend porcelain to hold up, and this way Herend will be part of all victories and successes.

Dr. Simon Attila
Dr. Simon Attila


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